Setup Guide

You can find your Klaviyo API Keys by visiting your Klaviyo Account dashboard.


  • Klaviyo Account. You can create one here.

Connecting to Klaviyo

Once your users have connected their Klaviyo account, you can use the Paragon SDK to access the Klaviyo API on behalf of connected users.

See the Klaviyo REST API documentation for their full API reference.

Any Klaviyo API endpoints can be accessed with the Paragon SDK as shown in this example.

// You can find your project ID in the Overview tab of any Integration

// Authenticate the user
paragon.authenticate(<ProjectId>, <UserToken>);
// Create List
await paragon.request("klaviyo", "/v2/lists", {
  method: "POST",
  body: { "list_name": "your_list_name" }

// Query Lists
await paragon.request("klaviyo", "/v2/lists", {
  method: "GET"

Creating your Klaviyo Private API Key

Your end-users will be required to enter their Klaviyo Private API Key as authentication when first connecting to your application.

To create a Klaviyo Private API Key:

  1. Login to Klaviyo Account.

  2. Navigate to Accounts > Settings > API Keys, and click the blue “Create Private API Key” button.

  3. Copy your private API key

  4. Paste your private API key to authenticate your account.

Building Klaviyo workflows

Once your Klaviyo account is connected, you can add steps to perform the following actions:

  • Create Campaign

  • Get Campaigns

  • Send Campaign

  • Create List

  • Add Subscriber to List

  • Remove Subscriber from List

  • Get Lists

  • Get List Subscribers

  • Get Profile

  • Update Profile

  • Create Template

  • Get Templates

  • Get Segments

  • Get Segment Subscribers

When creating or updating campaigns and lists in Klaviyo, you can reference data from previous steps by typing {{ to invoke the variable menu.

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