Setup Guide

You can find your Google app credentials by visiting your Google Cloud Console dashboard.

You’ll need the following information to set up your Google App with Paragon Connect:

  • Client ID

  • Client Secret

  • Scopes Requested

Note: You’ll need to create a new project in Google Cloud Console if you don’t already have one.

Add the Redirect URL to your Google app

Paragon provides a redirect URL to send information to your Google app. To add the redirect URL to your Google app:

  1. Copy the link under “Redirect URL” in your integration settings in Paragon. The Redirect URL is:
  1. In your Google Cloud Console dashboard, navigate to APIs & Services > Credentials in the sidebar.

  2. Press ”+ Create Credentials”, then select OAuth client ID.

  3. Select “Web application” from the Application type drop-down menu.

Note: You’ll need to configure Google’s consent screen for access to Client ID and Client Secret if you haven’t already.

  1. Under Authorized redirect URIs, press the ”+ Add URI” button.

  2. Paste-in the redirect URL from Paragon.

  3. Press the blue “Create” button.

Google provides you with the Client ID and Client Secret needed for the next steps after adding the redirect URL to your project.

Enable Google Drive API in Google Cloud Console Dashboard

  1. In your Google Cloud Console dashboard, navigate to APIs & Services > Library in the sidebar.

  2. Search for “Google Drive API” from the API Library.

  3. Select the “Google Drive API”.

  4. Press the blue “Enable” button to enable the API for your application.

Add your Google app to Paragon

  1. Select Google Drive from the Integrations Catalog.

  2. Under Integrations > Connected Integrations > Google Drive > Settings, fill out your credentials from the end of Step 1 in their respective sections:

  • Client ID: Found at the end of Step 1.

  • Client Secret: Found at the end of Step 1.

  • Permissions: Select the scopes you’ve requested for your application. For a list of recommended scopes, please view this integration within your Paragon dashboard. View dashboard. They should begin with drive.

Press the blue “Connect” button to save your credentials.

Note: Leaving the Client ID and Client Secret blank will use Paragon development keys.

Connecting to Google Drive

Once your users have connected their Google Drive account, you can use the Paragon SDK to access the Google Drive API on behalf of connected users.

See the Google Drive REST API documentation for their full API reference.

Any Google Drive API endpoints can be accessed with the Paragon SDK as shown in this example.

// You can find your project ID in the Overview tab of any Integration

// Authenticate the user
paragon.authenticate(<ProjectId>, <UserToken>);
// Query Files
await paragon.request("googledrive", `/files?q=${
}`, {
  method: "GET"

Building Google Drive workflows

Once your Google Drive account is connected, you can add steps to perform the following actions:

  • Get File by ID

  • Save File

  • Export Google Doc

  • Create Folder

  • Delete Folder

  • Get Folder by ID

  • Move Folder

  • Get Files

  • Search Folders

When saving or getting files in Google Drive, you can reference data from previous steps by typing {{ to invoke the variable menu.

Using Webhook Triggers

Webhook triggers can be used to run workflows based on events in your users’ Google Drive account. For example, you might want to trigger a workflow whenever new files are created in Google Drive to sync your users’ Google Drive files to your application in real-time.

You can find the full list of Webhook Triggers for Google Drive below:

  • File Created

  • File Updated

  • File Deleted

Using the Google Drive File Picker

You can allow your user to select files from their Google Drive account in your app with the Paragon SDK.

Enable the Google Picker API

You will need to enable the Google Picker API for your application in order to access the File Picker.

  1. In your Google Cloud Console dashboard, navigate to APIs & Services > Library in the sidebar.

  2. Search for “Google Picker API” from the API Library.

  3. Select the “Google Picker API”.

  4. Press the blue “Enable” button to enable the API for your application.

Creating a Google Drive API Key

To show the Google Drive File Picker, you will need a Google Drive API Key. This key is a separate key from the Client ID you provided to Paragon during integration setup.

  1. Navigate to the Google Cloud Console > APIs & Services > Credentials. Make sure the selected project in the header is your app.

  2. Click Create Credentials.

  3. Select API key.

  4. An API Key value will appear. Copy this value to use in the next step.

Note: While the API Key value is not sensitive and can safely be used in your public application, we recommend restricting the API Key with the following settings:

  • Application restrictions: Websites with your origin/domain

  • API restrictions: Google Drive API

Read more in Google’s docs for API Key restrictions.

Showing the File Picker

Use the Paragon SDK in your frontend application to show the File Picker in your app.

The SDK provides an ExternalFilePicker class to load Google’s JavaScript into your page and authenticate with your user’s connected Google Drive account.

let picker = new paragon.ExternalFilePicker("googledrive", {
    onFileSelect: (files) => {
        // Handle file selection

// Loads external dependencies and user's access token
await picker.init({ developerKey: "YOUR_GOOGLE_API_KEY" });

// Open the File Picker;

You can configure the File Picker to listen for additional callbacks or to restrict allowed file types. Learn more about configuring File Picker options in the SDK Reference.

Downloading the Selected File

The Google File Picker callback will return a Response object describing the user’s file picker interaction including an array of any files selected. Using this array of fileIds, you can use the Connect API to perform an authenticated proxy requests to download the files.

Note: Files containing binary content (including photos and videos) should be downloaded using the files.get endpoint whereas Google Workspace Documents can be downloaded using files.export.

Download a FileExport a Google Doc

// Downloading a non-Google Workspace File like images and videos
await paragon.request('googledrive', '/files/<fileId>?alt=media', {
	method: 'GET'


await paragon.request('googledrive', '/files/<fileId>/export?mimeType=<supportedMimeType>/pdf', {
	method: 'GET'



Authorization: Bearer eyJ...
Content-Type: application/json

Publishing your Google Drive app

Required for publishing: In order to complete the Google application verification process, you must implement the following feature in your integration:

For more information, see Google’s documentation on validation requirements.

Setting up a Redirect Page in your app

Your Google Drive integration requires a Redirect Page hosted in your application to support verification of your application by Google.

The Redirect Page should be implemented as follows:

  • Able to receive a GET request with a number of query parameters.

  • Redirect to with the same query parameters.

paragon.connect("googledrive", {
  overrideRedirectUrl: "https://your-app.url/google-drive-redirect"

Updating the allowed Redirect URL

If you were previously testing with as your Google Drive Redirect URL, you will need to update this value after implementing a Redirect Page:

  1. Log into your Google Cloud Console dashboard and select your application.

  2. Navigate to APIs & Services > Credentials and select the credentials you use with Paragon.

  3. Under Authorized redirect URIs, provide the URL of your Redirect Page.