Setup Guide
You can find your Box app credentials in your Box Developer Account.
You’ll need the following information to set up your Box App with Paragon Connect:
Client ID
Client Secret
Scopes Requested
Add your Box app to Paragon
Under Integrations > Connected Integrations > Box > Settings, fill out your credentials from your developer app in their respective sections:
Client ID: Found under Client ID on your Box App page.
Client Secret: Found under Client Secret on your Box App page.
Permissions: Select the scopes you’ve requested for your application. For a list of recommended scopes, please view this integration within your Paragon dashboard. View dashboard.
Leaving the Client ID and Client Secret blank will use Paragon development keys.
Connecting to Box
Once your users have connected their Box account, you can use the Paragon SDK to access the Box API on behalf of connected users.
See the Box REST API documentation for their full API reference.
Any Box API endpoints can be accessed with the Paragon SDK as shown in this example.
Building Box workflows
Once your Box account is connected, you can add steps to perform the following actions:
Save File
Get File by ID
List Files
Create Folder
Move Folder
Get Folder by ID
Search Folders
Delete Folders
You can also use the Box Request step to access any of Box’s API endpoints without the authentication piece.
When creating or updating records in Box, you can reference data from previous steps by typing {{
to invoke the variable menu.