Inviting a Team Member

Collaborate with your team members to create new integrations or view executions in Task History.

By default, Paragon has two types of roles available for projects: Admin and Member. Additional roles are available with Role-Based Access Control.

To add Team Members to your Organization in Paragon:

1. Go to “Team Members” in Settings

Click on “Settings” in the sidebar, then click on “Team Members”.

2. Add new team member information

Click the blue ”+ New Member” button to the right of the dashboard to invite team members to your Organization in Paragon.

Invitees will receive an email invitation to join your Organization on Paragon. You’ll receive a confirmation email once your invitations are accepted.

3. Select a Role and Send an Invitation

Managing Roles and Permissions

There are three types of roles Team Members can have in your Organization:

User PermissionsSupport*MemberAdmin
View Task History☑️☑️☑️
View Connected Users☑️☑️☑️
Create workflows☑️☑️
Edit workflows☑️☑️
Delete workflows☑️☑️
Manage Environment Secrets☑️
Manage Event Destinations☑️
Manage API Keys☑️
Edit Billing Details☑️
Update team membership settings☑️
Manage Subscription☑️

*This role requires Role-Based Access Control.

Removing a Team Member

Click on “Remove User” underneath the team member you’d like to remove. After confirming the deletion, the team member will be removed from your Organization.