
The Task History API allows you to query your users’ usage of integration workflows and access data from historical workflow executions.

Task History API is available for Paragon customers on Enterprise plans. To learn more, contact your Customer Success Manager or [email protected].

When to use the Task History API

The Task History API can be used to analyze integration usage or pull information about historical workflow executions into your application. For example, you can use the Task History API to:

  • Query the number of workflow executions that ran last week for the Salesforce integration

  • Query all failed workflow executions for a specific user

  • Export all tasks that occurred in a specific month into Google BigQuery

You can find example queries in the request format below.

Generating API Keys

The Task History API authorizes with a project-level API Key, instead of the Paragon User Token.

API Keys provide access to all Connected Users in the project they are created in and can be rotated or deleted after being generated.

To generate a new project-level API Key:

  1. Visit your Project’s Settings > API Keys.

  2. Click “Create API Key”. Provide a meaningful name for the API Key for your reference.

  3. The API Key will appear on a one-time basis for you to save in a secure place.


Querying Salesforce workflow executions run during a week’s time period

GET /projects/<Paragon Project ID>/task-history/workflow-executions?integration=salesforce&afterDate=2023-02-16T00:00:00&beforeDate=2023-02-23T00:00:00

Authorization: Bearer <Paragon API Key>

Response example:

    "workflowExecutions": [
            "id": "c70cafa5-4f80-45c7-b5b3-71454f6d638d",
            "userId": "d1f142cd-1dfe-4d76-ab4c-8f64901a9c5c",
            "taskCount": 1,
            "runDuration": 1477,
            "workflowId": "c395c170-4541-499c-afd1-0eccfaae49c9",
            "status": "SUCCEEDED",
            "dateEnded": "2023-02-20T06:21:43.751Z",
            "dateStarted": "2023-02-20T06:21:42.274Z"
    "nextLink": "",
    "total": 14295

Querying failed workflow executions for a user

GET /projects/<Paragon Project ID>/task-history/workflow-executions?userId=[email protected]&status=FAILED

Authorization: Bearer <Paragon API Key>

Response example:

    "workflowExecutions": [
            "id": "317a396c-7dc8-4a1f-8ceb-b39d5ad845da",
            "userId": "123456",
            "taskCount": 0,
            "runDuration": 3847,
            "workflowId": "24cf377b-c7f5-40e7-9b10-6cc5d811266a",
            "status": "FAILED",
            "dateEnded": "2023-03-01T11:15:04.051Z",
            "dateStarted": "2023-03-01T11:15:00.204Z"
    "nextLink": "[email protected]&status=FAILED&sortBy=ASC&offset=100",
    "total": 180

Endpoint Reference

Base URL

The Base URL of the Task History API endpoints begin with the same origin as the Connect and Users APIs.

  • For cloud customers who sign in to, the Base URL is https\://\<Project ID>/task-history

  • For on-premise customers who sign in to dashboard.<On-Premise URL>, the base URL is https\://zeus.\<On-Premise URL>/projects/\<Project ID>/task-history


Requests to the Task History API must provide an API Key as a Bearer-type Authorization header in the request:

GET /projects/<Paragon Project ID>/task-history/workflow-executions

Authorization: Bearer <Paragon API Key>


API responses that include multiple objects will be provided in page size of 100. In the case that there are additional pages of data available, the API response will include a URL to get the next 100 records.

Rate Limits

The Task History API has a rate limit of 1,000 requests per 10 minutes. If you need higher rate limits, please reach out to our team at [email protected]

API Methods

Get workflow executions

GET [Base URL]/workflow-executions

Search through historical workflow executions with the below filtering options as query parameters.

Query Parameters

userIdStringFilter executions by a specific Connected User ID.
workflowIdUUIDFilter executions for a specific workflow ID.
integrationStringFilter executions for a specific integration, for example, salesforce. The integration name is in the same format as provided to paragon.connect.
statusStringFilter executions by a status:
beforeDateString (Date)Filter executions that began before a certain timestamp, in ISO 8601 format (for example, 2023-02-22).
afterDateString (Date)Filter executions that began after a certain timestamp, in ISO 8601 format.
offsetNumberOffset results by a fixed number of records.
sortByStringSort by execution time: ASC / DESC. Defaults to DESC.
200: OK
    "workflowExecutions": [
            "id": "c70cafa5-4f80-45c7-b5b3-71454f6d638d",
            "userId": "d1f142cd-1dfe-4d76-ab4c-8f64901a9c5c",
            "taskCount": 1,
            "runDuration": 1477,
            "workflowId": "c395c170-4541-499c-afd1-0eccfaae49c9",
            "status": "SUCCEEDED",
            "dateEnded": "2023-02-20T06:21:43.751Z",
            "dateStarted": "2023-02-20T06:21:42.274Z"
        // ...
    // nextLink is `null` if there are no more results
    "nextLink": "",
    "total": 14295

Get workflow execution by ID

GET [Base URL]/workflow-executions/:executionID

Get details for a specific workflow execution by its Execution ID.

Path Parameters

executionID*UUIDThe ID of the execution to get details for.
200: OK
    "id": "daff08e3-c299-4005-9799-be69090ebae1",
    "userId": "test",
    "taskCount": 1,
    "runDuration": 8,
    "workflowId": "88d20d69-e585-4eea-aac4-5b7aea0521e8",
    "status": "FAILED",
    "dateEnded": "2022-11-25T22:15:07.987Z",
    "dateStarted": "2022-11-25T22:15:00.038Z",
    "stepExecutions": [
            "id": "5fec7d78-7e10-4b4a-bdfc-292f629774bf",
            "stepId": "0f7cce44-d292-4555-bae8-5b904a0c4ac9",
            "workflowExecutionId": "daff08e3-c299-4005-9799-be69090ebae1",
            "status": "SUCCEEDED",
            "type": "TRIGGER/CRON",
            "start": "2022-11-25T22:15:00.075Z",
            "end": "2022-11-25T22:15:00.084Z",
            "next": [
            "prev": null,
            "inputSize": "220",
            "outputSize": "76"
            "id": "29e675eb-0910-4d5c-8a5c-a4a4c1895605",
            "stepId": "7459bbf5-e55b-49e8-9390-084cf86752e5",
            "workflowExecutionId": "daff08e3-c299-4005-9799-be69090ebae1",
            "status": "FAILED",
            "type": "ACTION/REQUEST",
            "start": "2022-11-25T22:15:07.850Z",
            "end": "2022-11-25T22:15:07.873Z",
            "next": [],
            "prev": "5fec7d78-7e10-4b4a-bdfc-292f629774bf",
            "inputSize": "712",
            "outputSize": "824"

Get details for step of workflow execution

GET [Base URL]/workflow-executions/:executionID/step-executions/:stepExecutionID

Get details for a specific step of a workflow execution, by its Execution ID and Step Execution ID. These details include step input/output and run duration for the specific step.

Path Parameters

executionID*UUIDThe ID of the execution to get details for.
stepExecutionID*UUIDThe ID of the step execution to get details for.
200: OK
    "isLargeInput": false,
    "isLargeOutput": false,
    "input": {},
    "output": "Error: no auth mechanism defined"

POST [Base URL]/workflow-executions/:executionID/replay

Replay a specific workflow execution, using the same version of the workflow that the execution originally ran with.

This endpoint is in beta and may not be suitable for use in your production application. Please send any feedback you have about this endpoint to [email protected]!

201: Created undefined

Get workflow executions

GET [Base URL]/workflow-executions

Get workflow execution by ID

GET [Base URL]/workflow-executions/:executionID

Query Parameters

userIdStringFilter executions by a specific Connected User ID.
workflowIdUUIDFilter executions for a specific workflow ID.
integrationStringFilter executions for a specific integration, for example, salesforce. The integration name is in the same format as provided to paragon.connect.
statusStringFilter executions by a status:
beforeDateString (Date)Filter executions that began before a certain timestamp, in ISO 8601 format (for example, 2023-02-22).
afterDateString (Date)Filter executions that began after a certain timestamp, in ISO 8601 format.
offsetNumberOffset results by a fixed number of records.
sortByStringSort by execution time: ASC / DESC. Defaults to DESC.

Get details for step of workflow execution

GET [Base URL]/workflow-executions/:executionID/step-executions/:stepExecutionID

Replay workflow execution

POST [Base URL]/workflow-executions/:executionID/replay

Replay a specific workflow execution, using the same version of the workflow that the execution originally ran with.

This endpoint is in beta and may not be suitable for use in your production application. Please send any feedback you have about this endpoint to [email protected]!

Path Parameters

executionID*UUIDThe ID of the execution to get details for.

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